Tracy Heritage
This page will be dedicated to the students who have trained in the Tracy System from white belt all the way up to 1st black belt, then through the degrees in black belt. As we all know Al Tracy adopted a lot of students from other systems. Some of them came into the system already having rank from another system and never learned the complete Tracy System. So some students may have the rank but do not have the system. Sometimes when Al Tracey adopted student he adopted the student with the rank they came in with which doesn’t necessarily mean they were promoted to that rank it was that Al Tracey recognized their rank from another system.
The Tracy’s Heritage is a term which describes the degree of proficiency in the Tracy’s system of Chinese Kenpo. One’s proficiency must be documented to the satisfaction of the board.
The original Tracy’s system of Chinese Kenpo was set up with a formal list of requirements for one to learn for each level of proficiency awarded. The system designated these achievement levels with colored belts starting with white belt as entry level then Orange Belt, Purple Belt, Blue Belt, Green Belt, three degrees of Brown Belt starting with 3rd and then Black Belt starting with 1st degree. To attain each belt the student was required to learn 40 self-defense techniques, 10 kicks and two or three katas. However to attain the first and each level of Brown Belt the student was required to learn 50 self- defense techniques as well as the kicks and katas. Students are required to do all lower level techniques and other material as they test at each level so that the knowledge is cumulative and when testing for each level of Brown Belt the students are required to do each and every technique on both the left and right side.
During the early 1970’s the requirement of 50 techniques for each level of Brown Belt was dropped to 30 and during the 1980’s the Yellow Belt was added to indicate a halfway mark to Orange Belt. Upon the successful completion of each level test the student was given a certificate indicating his or her belt level.
Today the board is recognizing those individuals that have completed this training up to the level of 1st degree Black Belt and above. In order to be recognized as a Tracy’s Heritage Black Belt the board must be satisfied that the individual has learned and successfully tested on all of the required material. This can be done in a number of ways starting with producing valid certificates recognizing the approval of one’s qualified and certified Tracy instructor. If a student’s instructor is deceased and they do not have the certifications from that instructor or if the certificates are questionable then the Board may require testing or appropriate witness statements to recognize the individual as a Tracy’s Heritage Black Belt.
The students below listed are legitimate Tracy students which means they have the complete system that was originally designed by William KS Chow and Ed Parker back in the 50s and organized and codified by Al and Jim Tracy.
A generation is “all of the students training and getting promoted at about the same time,
This first generation of students received their 1st degree Black Belt from Al Tracy on or before 1970.
Bob Alsted | Tom Connor | Frank Johnson | Mike Roberts |
Hugh Alford | Greg Damon | Larry Klingenberg | Jerry Samuelson |
John Alexandro | Larry Demerrit | Ray Klingenberg | Ferdie Shangil |
Rick Avery | Chuck Dore | Steve LaBounty | Dave Simmons |
Ray Arquilla | Jerry Dunlap | Roy Lake | Jay Smith |
Pete Becker | Travis Dunlap | Dennis Laycock | Joe Spivey |
Jerry Baumgarten | Tom Dunne | Richard Lee | Mart Steiner |
Gary Avery | Russ Ernst | Bob Leonard | Paul Stevens |
Dave Barnes | Darraly Esclante | Ted Mancuso | Jim Stewart |
Dan Babcock | John Fite | Ted Masuda | Jodi Smith |
Craig Bentley | Steve Gerhart | Milan Maximovich | Scott Stolivack |
Tom Bersick | Jeff Gibbs | Paul McKay | Ted Sumner |
Dan Bicksler | Tom Golby | Greg McPhearson | Walter Tanimoto |
Bob Blackmoore | Smokey Gray Elk | Jim Miller | Will Taylor |
Rex Blaine | Roger Greene | Jim Mitchell | Tim Teausant |
Rick Brasseaux | Grant Hagiya | Jess Mora | Lee Thompson |
Kevin Bricker | Dave Hardenbrook | Joe Mora | Mike Tipple |
Norm Bryar | Paul Healey | Jerry Moutisine | Jim Trevino |
Mike Burrel | Al Hooper | Dennis Nackard | Chris Trujillo |
Dave Cardinas | Gary Horner | Paul Olivas | Dennis Tustin |
Jeff Carter | Jeanne Hutton | Mike Olsen | Nick Vales |
Rich Carte | Harry Houghlan | Roshan Parikh | Anthony Verburgt |
Ralph Castellanos | Sue Huffman | Mike Poz | Paul Wagner |
Dean Chapman | Harry Hutchins | Pete Palla Pozza | Jay T. Will |
Mike Chong | Jerry Jacobsen | Larry Reid | Dick Willett |
Cliff Close | Joe Jacques | Dave Roberts | Bill Yazel |
Mark Collins | Cliff Jewel |
The second generation of students received their 1st degree Black Belt from Al Tracy or
one of Al Tracy’s legitimate 1st generation Black Belts between 1971-1980
Jefferson Davis
Bart Vale
Mark Miller
The thrid generation of students received their 1st degree Black Belt from Al Tracy or
one of Al Tracy’s legitimate 1st generation Black Belts between 1981-1990
Steven Finn
Greg Mattson
Pat Tracy
The fourth generation of students received their 1st degree Black Belt from Al Tracy or
one of Al Tracy’s legitimate 1st generation Black Belts between 1991-2000
Darryl Pinto
Mark Tracy